The Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar forms an integral part of India as a cultural heritage country. It stands as an appreciable contributor towards tourism of the country. Where its beauty of the nature’s occurrence and it’s treasures of the beaches and corals attract the attention of the tourists at a great pace.
Like the other UTs and States even Andaman and Nicobar hold its State symbols which can be highlighted as –
• Mammal : Dugong
Dugong is a marine mammal, with a medium size and a herbivore. It mostly lives on seagrass communities and hence seeks its habitat near to the meadows where its subsistence is easily available. Stands as a vulnerable specie within the IUCN list of animal kingdom.
• Bird : Andaman wood pigeon
An endemic bird belonging to the Columbidae family specie. The appearance comes out to be as a whitehead with unique red – yellow tipped beak, with base all coloured black. Holds a “near threatened” status in the IUCN list, the reason for which is habitat loss.
• Flower : Pyinma
• Tree : Andaman Padauk
Also known as Andaman redwood or East Indian Mahogany is a legume specie of the Fabaceae family.
This is how the archipelago had chosen these privileged species out of the great variety of flora and fauna.